The Main Window

The main window for the program is fairly straight forward to use. This picture shows a standard MUI configuration, so some gadgets may look different depending on your GUI setup.

Click on this image to see the window enlarged.

Picture of main window


This string gadget contains the path of the currently loaded archive. You may type in a new archive path here and Voodoo-X will automatically load the archive for you.

Archive history popup gadget

This small gadget, which is located immediately to the right of the Archive string gadget, will popup a history list when pressed. This history list is a list of all the archives you've loaded since Voodoo-X was started. To reload an archive again, simply double click with the left mouse button on one of the archive entries in this list.

If this list gets too big you can clear it by selecting Clear archive history... from the Archive menu.

Load archives gadget

Pressing this gadget will open a file requester. Using this requester, you can load one or more archives. If you load more than one archive, then use the archive history list to access the rest of the archives.

Archive entries lister

This is the main archive entry list. It shows you the contents of an archive. Along with other details like size in bytes, date, protection bits and comment.

By double clicking on an entry, it is temporarily extracted and viewed with multiview. Using the "VIEWER" tooltype, you can use an alternative viewer, instead of multiview.

If the entry you double click on is an archive, Voodoo-X will temporarily extract and view this archive as if you had loaded it normally. Such archives are called embedded archives. You can identify embedded archives in the history list when you see an ("--->") arrow. You can even view embedded archives inside embedded archives (and so on), but please note that Voodoo-X needs to extract each archive to "T:". If you have "T:" assigned to "Ram:" (which is the default location) you might find yourself running out of memory very quickly.


Pressing this button will bring you back to the root directory of the archive.

Note: This feature is not applicable when the archive view mode is set to "Linear list".


Pressing this button will bring you back to the parent directory of the directory you're currently in.

This button will have no effect if you're in the root directory of an archive, unless the currently loaded archive is an embedded archive, in which case you'll be brought back to the parent archive.

Note: This feature is not applicable when the archive view mode is set to "Linear list".

Archive location

This will show you your current location within the archive.

Note: This feature is not applicable when the archive view mode is set to "Linear list".

Destination path

This string gadget contains the desination path, this is where all extracted files are saved to. Pressing the small gadget to the far right of this gadget will open up a desination drawer requester.

Destination history popup gadget

This small gadget, which is located immediately to the right of the Destination string gadget, will popup a history list when pressed. This history list is a list of all the destination paths you've used since Voodoo-X was started. Double click on one of the entries to use it as the destination path.

Status and information gadget

This text gadget is used to display useful information.

Extract selected

Pressing this button will invoke the extraction process. All entries selected in the main lister will be extracted to the currently specified destination path.


End the program.